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Project Name: The Dialogue

CPUT Assignment

Fonts: Handle Gothic, Montserrat

Programs: Premiere Pro

For the CPUT project, I was required to work with two other people to create an installation inspired by two fans and new and old font. the topic discussed which is the Martin Luther King assassination, as well as the Detroit riot, was inspired by the time that Castle Handel gothic was created, which was in the 1960s. The font Handel gothic was created 4 the use of film mainly save the Sci-Fi genre. which LED mean in creating something that had elements from the 60s. 

As the font was created in the 60s I was drawn two historical events that happened in this time, for example, the Twist by chubby Chase which was created by an African-American and top the Billboard charts in the 1960s and it's still doing to this day one of the most recognised songs of all time. Which was created by an African-American and top the Billboard charts in the 1960s and it's still doing to this day one of the most recognised songs of all time.

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